Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Abigail!

The Birthday Princess is all smiles in her new Pink Cozy Coupe

Party favors for our guests

Th pull-string pinata was a hit with all of the little ones
Abigail's cousins' Lillie and Kaitlyn made the trip down to celebrate her 2nd birthday

This is about as messy as Abigail got with her Monkey cupcake. For whatever reason, Abigail can't stand to have messy hands or a messy mouth when she's eating.
Abigail takes her turn at the pull-string pinata
We attempted to get a group shot of Abigail and and all of her friends...not bad for 11 kids all 4 and under.
Is this not the cutest picture? The timing couldn't have been more perfect to catch their sweet little smiles. Caroline and Luis are only 1 day apart in age.
We almost had the entire Smithson Family in attendance at the party. (We missed you Bob, Preston, and T-Bone)
Grammy and Grandpa made the trip in from Austin for the party
The 2 newest additions to the Smithson family, Caroline and Luke. For whatever reason the Smithson grandkids like to arrive in pairs...Caroline and Luke are only 18 days apart.

Calling all monkeys to come and play!
Let's celebrate Abigail's second birthday!

That's right, our little monkey turned 2. It's hard to believe 2 years have already flown by since she first entered this world at 12:01 am on November 17th, 2008. Seeing as how she is all about monkeys these days we saw it fitting to celebrate her birthday in style with a Pink Mod Monkey-themed birthday bash. When it comes to Texas weather, you never know what you're going to get, especially in November. Thankfully though, it was an absolute gorgeous day. We couldn't have asked for a better forecast. With 2 inflatables at their disposal we opened the doors and brought the party outside so that the kiddos could cut loose and bounce until they dropped.

Happy Birthday Abigail! I can't believe you're already 2. You're growing up way too fast. These past 2 years have truly been the best 2 years of my life. You fill our lives and our home with so much joy and laughter. Your smile alone is enough to brighten even the darkest of days. I couldn't ask for a better playmate to keep me company each and every day. I love getting to stay home with you and literally watch you grow up right before my very eyes. You are turning into quite the little lady! I love your passion for life and for others. I look at you and I'm reminded that we serve a compassionate and playful Father. I'm so very proud of you and am blessed to be your mom. I love you very much!
Love, Mommy
Happy 2nd Birthday my first little princess! I don't know how you have managed to do it, but you wrapped me up so tight around your little finger in just 2 short years that I can't believe it. I know we try to pretend like bathtime with daddy is your favorite part of the day, but secretly I like it more than you. Really, I like anything more now when you are doing it with me. I love making mommy "big girl waffles", I love reading the same book over and over, I love hiding from the monster, I love giving Wrigley treats, I love taking "baby walks", I love swinging you high, I love sharing my cereal, and I love taking "BIG BITES" all because those are things we do together. I just love life with you. I know I had a good life before you came 2 sweet years ago, but now I have an even better life...and getting to watch you be a big sister now makes it even greater each day. You are a very special and very beautiful little monkey and I love you to the moon and back. It is really fun being your dad.
Love, Daddy


  1. ok, are you kidding me? Cutest parents ever.
    1. Love the notes you wrote to miss monkey.
    2. Loved every bit of the decorations, from the cake to the ribbon-clad party favors...from mom's matching shirt right down to the monkey stickers on the napkins...seriously super mom?!!
    3. Loved the b-day girl...a real cutie!!!

  2. The notes from the two of you are SO precious!!!! The monkey theme ROCKS....did you make the cake??
