Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's a Girl!

Mommy's going to have a baby!
Little Peanut's First Sonogram at 10 weeks

"Big Sister" Abigail announces to family and friends that she is going to have a new sibling
Believe it or not, this shirt wasn't a dead giveaway to some that Abigail was going to be a Big Sister
Daddy only thought he had his hands full with one girl...
Judging by the mouth-open reaction, I'm beginning to wonder if baby girl could see us somehow through the sonogram. Do you think she's excited to have us as parents or scared?

Sweet, precious baby girl

Baby girl's feet (they're kind of sitting one on top of the other)

You can see one of her hands/fingers here

For those of you just now joining our regularly scheduled program, don't worry you haven't missed a blog. You may be thinking to yourself, "did I even know the Smithson's were expecting again?". Hopefully this isn't the first you're hearing of it. We tried our best to cover all of our bases. If it is though, I apologize. I had every good intention of writing a specific blog to share the exciting news about our expanding family but then life with a 17-month old happened and well, the rest is history. I guess this is only the beginning. The first child receives the grand entrance. She is the one who has a blog set up for her, a pregnancy journal marked with every sign of nausea and milestone, and a baby book waiting for her completed upon her arrival. The second one...well, she will be lucky to have any sort of footage, documentation, etc. marking her arrival. Of course, I'm saying all of this to bring humor to the blog and make up for the fact I am years behind where I was this time 2 years ago when I was pregnant with Abigail. I really am hoping to pull out my inner domestic diva and Super Mommy skills over the next few months and make this next little girl's arrival just as grand and memorable as Abigail's was. It's high expectations I know but hey, it's Mother's Day...let a mommy dream big for now.

So, with all that being said...guess what? We're expecting! Not only that, but as of last Thursday, we found out that our new little peanut is A GIRL! That's right, Abigail will soon have a little sister to play dress up with. We couldn't be more excited. Coming from a house full of boys, I'm excited for Abigail to be able to have a sister/friend to travel through life's ups and downs with. While Josh is now busy wondering how on earth we will ever be able to pay for 2 weddings someday, I am busy fretting over what our life is going to look like 16 years from now when these two little angels become teenagers in high school. And I only thought my life was full of drama now...

For now I guess we will just take life one day at a time and marvel over the fact that God has blessed us with two of his most beautiful and prized possessions. What a huge privilege and honor to know that he has entrusted us to love on these girls and raise them up to know, serve, and love Him every chance they get.

We received a good report from the last sonogram. Not only am I continuing to gain weight (which pleases the doctor), baby girl is healthy and measuring right on track. I am currently 20 1/2 weeks along and my due date is set for September 23rd.

While Abigail is still too young to truly grasp what it means when we say, "mommy has a baby inside of her tummy"; it sure is cute to see her walk over to me, lift up my shirt, and give my belly a kiss. Little does she know that in about 4 months her entire world will be flipped upside down. Of course she will forever be our little princess...she will now just have to scoot over and share a piece of her throne.


  1. YEAH!!! I am so happy that your having a girl!!! Now brothers can marry sisters! :)

  2. What exciting news! Congratulations! Hope to see you soon!

  3. Congratulations, Sally! Sisters will wonderful ~ Abigail is in for a treat! Hope you are doing well and we can meet up soon :)

  4. From our house to yours....well, if you ever need advice, we have the "girl" thing covered!!!!! Love and blessings to you all! Congratulations and only one more girl to go!!!

  5. congratulations sally! so excited for you.

  6. WOO HOO...such great news, even though I am late to the announcement too :)

    :) Heather
