Saturday, October 2, 2010

Caroline's 2 Week Check-up

Caroline in the hospital, a day after she was born
Abigail in the hospital, a day after she was born
Caroline, 6 days old
Abigail, 3 days old

It's amazing how fast these past 2 weeks have flown by. Our sweet Caroline will be 3 weeks old on Tuesday. This past Wednesday we went in for her 2 week check-up and I'm proud to announce she passed with flying colors. She now weighs 8 lbs and is 20 1/2 inches long. Not only is she eating pretty well but she has started to settle into somewhat of a predictable routine when it comes to eating, playing, and sleeping. It looks like she will more than likely take after her sister when it comes to spitting up though. Abigail pretty much spent most of her first year in a bib due to the fact she loved to spit up and I quickly grew tired of spraying and washing every inch of her outfits. By the time it was all said and done, I'm pretty sure bibs outnumbered actual outfits in her closet. At this rate, unfortunately, it looks like Caroline will be turning to bibs for her main source of accessorizing as well.

Today was my first official day to be home alone with both of the girls without any reinforcements (aka Grammy or Josh) and I'm proud to say I survived. Needless to say it was a lazy day, the girls and I spent the majority of the day in our pajamas. In fact, if it wasn't for Abigail wanting to spend some time outside blowing bubbles and playing with sidewalk chalk we probably would have remained in our pj's the entire day. I didn't want the neighbors to start talking though so we did manage to get dressed for our "big" outdoor adventure. Abigail continues to be very sweet with her sissy. She gets a kick out of all the little squeaks and squeals Caroline will make when she's waking up from a nap and she loves the moments during the day when sissy's eyes are actually open. She remained patient throughout the day when I had to ask her to play by herself for a little bit so I could feed sissy and she continues to make adjustments to her normal routine so that she can be a big helper to mommy as I continue to recover from my C-section. For the most part we have figured a way around all of the daily tasks that would normally require me to pick her up. All in all, the day went pretty well. In fact I was even able to sneak in a little "mommy time" to myself this afternoon for a few hours while both of the girls napped. It doesn't get much better than that!

A lot of people have commented that Caroline looks a lot like Abigail did when she was a baby. I tried to go back through all of my pictures and pull out a few from each of their first few days so that you could compare and decide for yourself if there is a resemblance. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hope Abbi has fun playing with Ela and Hailey this afternoon...seems the evening turned into a play date :) Your girls' are so Caroline ends up with some cute bibs!

    :) Heather
