Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sweet Caroline

It's hard to believe but in just another week our sweet little Caroline will be 3 months old. Where has the time gone? It's amazing how much little ones can change in just a short amount of time. It has been fun to watch Caroline's personality emerge over the last few weeks. When she's awake, she's extremely alert and happy. I get a kick out of hearing her attempt to communicate with me with her cooing, squeaks, and baby babble. My favorite is when I look into her eyes and she responds with a big, gummy smile. I can't help but fall more and more in love with this baby girl every day.

A dear friend of mine, Averi Blackmon, was sweet enough to drive over from Marble Falls a few weeks ago and spend some time hanging out with me and the girls. Averi is an extremely talented photographer and was sweet enough to take some 6 week pictures of Caroline while she was here. Like always, she did an incredible job and the pictures turned out super cute. To check out more of Averi's work, visit her website at


  1. PRECIOUS!!!!! This girl is adorable. I'm so glad I got to meet sweet Caroline! I think the 4th pic is my favorite, but they're all great!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the ones of her in the basket!!! :)
