Friday, February 4, 2011

4 Months Old

It's amazing how with the first child you know every single detail of his/her life. Not only do you know what milestone should happen and when, but you more than likely have it recorded and displayed for all to see in a scrapbook along with a photo next to it. Then comes the second much as I would like to be a historian for my sweet Caroline and record every minute just as I would have with Abigail, some days I'm just lucky to make sure she gets rotated from the playmat to the bouncy seat to the swing in a timely manner so that she doesn't get bored while I tend to my potty training 2 year old. All this to say, I can't believe my little girl is already 4 months old. She truly is growing up way too fast.

12 pounds, 6 ounces
23 1/2 inches

My Firsts:
*Rolled over for the first time
*Started eating Rice Cereal
*Started laughing

*Loves putting her feet into her mouth
*Loves when you play Pat-a-Cake with her
*Likes to watch Wrigley
*Still loves to be swaddled during naps and at bedtime
*Loves for her big sister Abigail to play with her
*Loves playing peek-a-boo
*Gets frustrated by the fact that she has figured out how to take her paci out of her mouth with her hands but can't always seem to find the coordination to put it back in

I couldn't believe it at our last doctor's visit when our doctor told me she was ready to start on rice cereal. With Abigail it seemed like we were always looking ahead and counting down the days until she would be old enough to reach the next "big milestone". With Caroline I feel as if I can't keep up. Just when I think we've settled into somewhat of a routine it's already time to move on and adjust to the next big thing. It's only a matter of time before she's scooting around the floor on her own. Call me crazy but I'm not so sure this body of mine is prepared nor ready to switch to a zone defense and chase around a potty training 2 year old and a crawler all at once. I have a feeling the adventure is only beginning.

1 comment:

  1. I just told Shelby that Leah can stop growing any time now....same goes for Caroline me thinks ;) ;)
    :) Heather
