Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cooper at 31 Weeks

Last week when we went in for my check-up at the Doctor's office we were treated to a complimentary 3D sonogram.  We have had the same doctor now for all 3 kids and think the absolute world of her.  She is one of the most personable women you will ever meet and goes out of her way to make sure each of her patients is well taken care of.  It was her idea to do a 3D sonogram with Cooper simply because she knew it would be fun for us to see, and she wanted to be able to do something special for us to celebrate our baby boy's upcoming arrival.  We didn't have a 3D sonogram done with either of the girls so we were extremely grateful for this opportunity to take an extra sneak peek at the precious miracle growing inside of me.  Although my knowledge and experience when it comes to 3D sonograms is very limited, what I do know is that sometimes the images can be a little bit on the creepy side.  While I admit some of the images that were captured were a little funny looking, I was still blown away by the technology and ability to capture some of the more intricate details on Cooper's face, especially the nose, cheeks, and ears.  All in all, I think we ended up capturing close to 40 different images.  Don't worry I won't torture you and post all 40 images...I will try to stick to the highlights.  The only reason we even have 40 images to begin with is because it took 40 different times of trying to capture Cooper while he wasn't on the move.  If it's any indication of how busy this little munchkin is going to keep me once he is out and moving around, then I am in trouble.  By far, Cooper moves ten times more than either of his sisters ever did while they were still inside the womb.  Not only was Cooper already head down and pretty far into position in the pelvis giving the doctor a nice shot of the back of his head but when he finally did move he insisted on keeping his hands and arms in front of his face in order to block any decent shot we could get of his facial features.  Thankfully a later appointment had cancelled earlier that day and the doctor was in no hurry to rush through the sonogram.  So we waited...and waited...and finally he started moving enough to where we could catch a few clear glimpses of his face.  Of course I am a little biased but he is absolutely precious and more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.  It's hard to believe that in just 6 1/2 weeks I will be holding this beautiful baby boy in my arms! 

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