Monday, August 13, 2012

Sneak Peek at Cooper's Nursery

Well the Big Day is almost here!  In less than 6 hours Josh and I will be checking into Peterson Regional Medical Center to get ready to meet our sweet Cooper.  I'm sure most of you as you are reading this (including my husband) are wondering why on earth I am blogging right now rather than sleeping.  I'm sure I will be asking myself the same question when I wake up tomorrow morning at 4am.  For now though we will blame it on nerves, excitement, last minute nesting, or a combination of all of the above. 

Since my next post will hopefully be about Cooper's arrival I thought I would do one last post and give you all a little sneak peek at his nursery.  I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out.  I have to give all of the credit to my sweet sister-in-law, Julie, and her friend Missy.  When we found out we were going to have a boy I knew I wanted his nursery to have some sort of cowboy/western theme.  As soon as my sister-in-law caught wind of this she jumped into action and found me the ultimate hook-up.  It just so happens her friend Missy did the same sort of theme for her son's nursery and had held onto all of the bedding and decorations in hopes of passing it on to someone someday.  A few phone calls and emails later, Julie had arranged it for Cooper to inherit all of Missy's old cowboy nursery bedding and decorations.  And when I say all of it...that is a huge understatement.  Literally everything from the bedding to the curtains to the wall hangings to even the adorable cowboy floor cutout was handed down to us.  Talk about a huge blessing!  I can't thank either of them enough for their generosity or their huge hearts in wanting to help us out as we prepare to become a family of 5.

It's taken awhile to get used to a nursery without all of the pink and brown girly decorations but now that it's finally all in place it's hard to imagine anything but our little buckaroo sleeping in there for the next few years to come.  Although there might not be much sleep going on in the Smithson household tonight (at least for this anxious and excited mama), we look forward to many peaceful and restful nights in the future for our sweet little cowboy Cooper.   

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