Monday, January 5, 2009

A Smithson Family Christmas

Look what Santa left under the tree!
Our 1st Family Christmas


Aiden and Abigail...Mr. and Mrs. Claus

4 healthy babies = 4 tired but very happy mommies

Watch me grow...7 weeks

Mommy's greatest gift

Christmas Eve Service

Abigail's 1st Christmas was definitely an eventful one. For the first time in about 10 years the entire Smithson family was together under one roof celebrating Christmas. All in all there were 12 adults, 2 teenagers, 4 infants, and 3 dogs. Needless to say it was a little chaotic at times but in the end it's the laughter, the stories, and the memories that we shared that we will remember for years to come. When it comes to a Smithson Family Christmas, it's not the quality of gifts that matter but rather the quantity. Let me tell you the gifts add up when you're buying for 18 people. It's almost embarassing how many presents were under the tree. We managed to tackle the task of unwrapping the gifts with grace and finesse. The Christmas tree however didn't quite survive the unwrapping mayhem. Perhaps the highlight of the day was when our brother-in-law, Travis, went to retrieve a gift from behind the tree when all of a sudden he accidentally sent the tree tumbling to its side. The miraculous thing about all of this was not a single ornament was broken in the fall. Just call us the never quite know what is going to happen when the entire Smithson family is together.

Despite the millions of gifts that were under the tree the greatest gift of all this Christmas for the Smithson family was the celebration of life. Over the past 14 months, 4 little Smithsons have entered this world. We have been blessed beyond belief with 4 healthy pregnancies and 4 precious bundles of joy. I can't even begin to imagine what Christmas will look like 2 years from now when the little ones are all walking and are entertained more by the actual present than the box and wrapping paper it came in. I have a feeling the craziness is only beginning. I'm thrilled that our family is finally all together in the same state and I can't wait to watch Abigail grow up with her cousins by her side.

Today marks 7 weeks for Miss Abigail. It has been fun to watch her personality begin to emerge over the last few weeks. She is beginning to smile a lot more and let me tell you...nothing melts a mother's heart more than to see her little girl smiling up at her.

We're looking forward to seeing what 2009 holds for our new family.

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