Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Is there anything more precious?
"Cousins make the best friends"
Abigail with her new cousin, Aidan

Not necessarily love at first sight

Abigail's first picture with Santa

Santa Baby

It's hard to believe, but today marks Abigail's 1 month birthday. I have no idea where the last 4 weeks have gone. I do know however that we are having the time of our lives with our little girl. Since my last post the past few weeks have been marked with several milestones...

Josh and I decided it was time to finally venture out into the "real world" and allow Abby to experience for herself a few of her mom and dad's interests. What better way to acclimate her to our active, over-involved lifestyle than to introduce her to a bunch of high school students at her first Young Life Club. I don't know how she did it, but she managed to sleep through the entire Christmas Club even with the music playing full blast. What a champ!

Abigail and I had our first playdate last week at the park next door. My friend Jenny and her son Ethan (bachelor #1) invited us to join them on a picnic and the offer, not to mention the weather, was just too good to pass up. Like every good mom with good intentions I made sure to leave plenty of time for us to get ready so that we could arrive on time. I quickly realized however that while it's great to strive for, punctuality is probably best to throw out the window from here on's simply not possible as a mom (at least for me). After bathing, changing diapers (multiple times), packing up the diaper bag, and loading a screaming Abigail in the stroller, I was exhausted and ready to turn around and come home. The only problem was, I hadn't even left the house yet. We eventually made it to the park and had a great time with Ethan and Jenny. It ended up being well worth all of the hassle and fuss. I now understand however why some moms choose to never leave the house.

Abigail is no longer the newest Smithson on the block. 17 days after Abigail was born, Josh's oldest brother Bob and his wife Elia, welcomed their first child together into this world. Aidan William Smithson was born on December 4th, weighing 8 lbs, 13 oz and measured 22 inches long. We went this past Sunday to Brady and met Aidan for the first time. He sure is handsome! We are looking forward to watching Abigail, Aidan, and the rest of their cousins grow up together. There's no doubt they will be a tight-knit bunch.

With Christmas right around the corner, our nights have been jam-packed with all kinds of Holiday Parties. Abigail was invited to her very own Christmas Party by the nursing staff at Peterson Regional Medical Center where she was born. The party was thrown in honor of all of the 2008 babies that were born at the hospital. The festivities included cookies, punch, and of course, a picture with Santa. I'm proud to say there was no trauma or tears this time around with her pictures with Santa. As a matter of fact she couldn't have been a sweeter angel.

Today Abigail had her 1 month check up and passed with flying colors. She now weighs 9 pounds, 6 ounces and is measuring 21 3/4 inches long. Our baby girl truly is growing up fast.


  1. Brings tears to my eyes remembering my three as Christmas babies!!!!! She's beautiful! And yes, I can so relate to the park will NEVER be on time again! Can't wait to see her.

  2. Don't count out bachelor # 2. We are already making plans for Lucas to join the Smithson/Allday families together.
