Monday, December 1, 2008

So Much To Be Thankful For...

The Cutest Turkey of All!
Dressed and ready to go for my first Peek Family Tailgate

Gig em' Aggies

"Holding My Own"
Abigail with her Uncle Scott and Uncle Jeff

Sweet Ellie holding her niece for the very first time

Thanksgiving is a time for family, football, fellowship, and the never-ending feast of incredible food. More than anything however, Thanksgiving is a chance to sit back and reflect upon the past year and the many things in our lives we have to be thankful for. For me, Thanksgiving took on a whole new meaning this year as I celebrated my first holiday with my precious, 10 day old, baby girl. One look at her and my heart just melts. I'd be lying if I didn't say that the last 2 weeks have been a challenge. No advice, books, or birth education class could have quite prepared me for the role of motherhood. Even so, any speed bump or challenge I have come across or may come across in the future is miniscule in comparison to the overwhelming amount of gratitude and thankfulness I have in my heart for the Lord entrusting me with such a beautiful gift. Through Abby I'm learning to find Joy and thankfulness in the simple things of life. From the way she turns her head and recognizes my voice as I walk into the room to the little peeps and squeaks she makes as she falls soundly asleep she is a constant reminder of how beautiful, powerful, and magnificent our God truly is. How anyone can witness or experience the miracle of life and doubt the existence of our Almighty Creator blows my mind.

Abigail spent her First Thanksgiving in Austin with the Peek side of the family. Considering the house was packed with 14 adults, 5 dogs, and 4 children, she seemed to do quite well. After all, how rough can life be when someone is constantly wanting to hold you and love on you 24/7? Probably the most precious and heartwarming moment over the Thanksgiving break was watching my 5 year old niece, Ellie, fall completely head over heels in love with her new baby girl cousin. The way her eyes would light up when she got to hold Abby was priceless. She may only be 5 but she has one of the most tender and compassionate hearts of anyone I know. She is going to be a great babysitter and role model to her younger cousins.

Also over the break, Abigail got to experience her very first Peek Family Tailgate. Josh and I decided to let Abby witness first hand her uncles' obsession with UT football by taking her to the Thanksgiving Day Tailgate. Of course while the majority of the Peek Family were wearing Burnt Orange, Abby sported maroon in honor of her mommy's alma mater. Despite the fact Abigail slept through the entire tailgate we managed to take plenty of pictures. The Aggies may have lost this year's annual rivalry Turkey Day game, but I know of one lil' Aggie who won over the hearts of many.

Needless to say our Thanksgiving break was jam packed with events. While it was fun to spend time with the people we love most, it's nice to be home. Josh returned to work today for the first time since Abby was born. Now the true test begins to see how well I can handle the role of mommy without my biggest supporter by my side to help. I'm sure there will be plenty of stories to share, so stay tuned.

Until next time,


  1. Oh my goodness....she's PERFECT!!!!! What an angel! I know you are loving every minute of this and you SHOULD b/c one day, she'll be camped out in her room on Facebook with her Ipod on, ignoring all attempts to be contacted by family members! Not that our girls EVER do that!!!!! LOL.... Love you all! Can't wait to see Abby this spring.

  2. She is BEAUTIFUL! I love her! Wish I was closer so I could babysit for you! She really is a very pretty baby. And you look so good, Sally! Glad you are doing well.
    Love, Jeanette
