Friday, November 21, 2008

Our First Day Home

All snuggled up and enjoying my Aquarium Swing
Bachelor #2: Samuel Van Dusen (mommy's college roommate's son...born 12 days before me) "I love the older men"!

Wrigley is still a little unsure of what to think of her new sister. Josh gave her a boost so she could check out Abigail sleeping in her pack n' play.

Enjoying my first play time on my Baby Einstein Playmat

How could anyone not love this adorable face?

After an exciting yet exhausting 43 hour stay at Peterson Regional Medical Center, Josh and I decided to venture out into the "great unknown" and head home so that we could begin our new life with our precious baby girl. We arrived home around 7:25pm on Tuesday night and treated ourselves to a gourmet meal of Pizza Hut. It seemed only fitting that the one craving that began this 9 month journey and remained constant throughout my entire pregnancy would also be the meal to signal the end of this journey. As we tucked ourselves in bed that night I was prepared for a long night ahead only to find that Abigail decided to spoil us instead and only wake up once during the night. She went to bed around 8:15pm, woke up around 4:00am for a little "snack", and then didn't wake up again until 8:00am the next morning. I know I shouldn't get used to it but I have to say it sure was nice to catch up on a little rest.

Wednesday, November 19th was Josh and mine's 4 year anniversary and I have to say I can't think of a more special way to celebrate the occasion than with our precious miracle. Considering she was only 2 days old at the time she sure did have a pretty adventure-filled first day at home. She started off the day with her very first sponge bath, followed by some play time with Daddy on her Baby Einstein Play Mat. Later on that day she tried out her Aquarium swing and spent some time playing with visitors who drove in from out of town to play with her for a little while. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty of shut eye throughout the day but it sure was nice to see her eyes wide open and alert for a few hours.

The transition has been fairly smooth up to this point, a large part in thanks to Grammy who is here staying with us for a few days. A huge thanks also goes out to all of our friends and family who have been sweet to send phone calls and emails our way over the last few days checking in on us and offering to help with meals, errands, etc. More than likely it will be awhile before I get around to catching up on emails and phone calls, so please just know that I appreciate your love and support and that as soon as I get a chance I will get back to you. In the meantime I will do my best to keep the blog updated. I know a lot of you are anxious to see pictures of Abigail and hear how she is doing.

It has been a whirlwind so far and needless to say my life has changed drastically over the last few days. The funny thing is, I can't imagine life now without Abigail. I've always heard other moms say how rewarding it is to raise a family but until now I never knew how truly fulfilling life could be with Abigail in my arms. One look into her precious face and all of my worries and cares seem to melt away. She has brought so much joy into our lives in such a short amount of time. We feel blessed beyond belief and look forward to each new day that God brings our way where we can spend another 24 hours with our precious new daughter.

1 comment:

  1. My vote is definitely for Samuel... and they can name their first kid 101 North Brown Van Dusen. I'm a genius!
    So happy for y'all... can't wait to meet her!!!!
    PS, Sally, of course you look PERFECT in all your hospital pictures. You would!
