Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Abigail!

Snuggle time for Abigail and Mommy
Bachelor #1: Ethan Johnson (one of many men already in pursuit of our beautiful girl)

Happy Birthday Abigail!

Daddy's Little Princess

November 17th, 2008 will go down in history as one of the longest, hardest, greatest, best, most emotional, draining, fulfilling, loving, painful, exhilarating, _____(enter your word here) days in our lives. For those that haven’t heard, Abigail Rose Smithson blessed us with her presence early Monday morning. The good news is she was born at 12:01 am so we got to celebrate 23 hours and 59 minutes of her 0 birthday, the bad news is she waited that long.

My water broke at home at 5:15am on Sunday. We got up and started getting things together and Josh cooked breakfast. At about 6:15am contractions started and labor was underway. We arrived at the hospital at 7:30am and were admitted immediately. As the morning progressed so did my contractions and Abigail’s arrival time. At about 11:30am (5 hours into hard labor) they gave me an epidural to ease the pain and to start preparing me a little more for what was to come. The day kept slipping away and slipping away and my progress slowed, stalled, sped up, stopped, and unfortunately never got consistent again. At around 9:00pm they felt Abigail's head turned upside down so they started to do some things to move her around and get her to didn’t work. So at about 11:00pm (17 hours into labor) they called the doctor on call and prepared us for surgery. They wheeled me in at 11:30pm, took Josh back to join me at 11:50pm, and handed Abigail to her daddy at about 12:04pm just 3 minutes after her birth at 12:01am. Josh then walked her to the nursery where she weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz and measured 20 inches long. Needless to say, both Abigail and I were exhausted.

We were finally all back together as a family at about 2:00am and slowly fell asleep around 3:00am. Because of the C-Section my recovery time will be a little longer but none of it compares to the JOY we had on Monday...Abigail's birthday. There is truly no way to describe the immediate love we feel for our beautiful little bundle of perfection. Thanks for your love, support, and prayers.


  1. You can't even tell how long of a night the three of you had! You all look wonderful and Sally you are a beautiful mom!
