Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Friend Loves At All Times

It doesn't get any cuter than this...Samuel Mosley pleading his case as Bachelor #5
Abby is looking forward to having a dance party with Lindsay Seward someday (she's heard all about her crazy dance moves from her mom)
Even our dear friends Josh and Lorrie Macy made a trip in from Guatemala to meet Abigail
Colby McCasland's first time to hold a baby! Looks like a pro to me :)

My best friend from high school, LJ, and her adorable daughter Annie (LJ is expecting and will be having her second daughter in just a few weeks) We're excited our girls will be so close in age!
"Happy Day" Friends forever...Kate Gomez and her beautiful daughter Ava hang out with Abby and me in our College Station hotel. Ava and Abigail are exactly 2 months apart.

Abigail had been counting down the days until she met her Aunt Ge!

Abigail and Baker...two of my most favorite people in the entire world!

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

One of the greatest joys over the past 3 months has been introducing Abigail to our family and friends. From childhood friends to college roommates it has been fun to see our little one wrapped in the arms of the people we love most. Thank you for loving our precious Abigail as if she was your own.


  1. I'm dying to meet her, Sally and I miss you!!!!

  2. i just noticed that Abigail has a bib on in all of these pictures... is this the new trendy accessory? Ty and I are behind the times :)
