Sunday, March 22, 2009

4 Months Old

As you can see, Abigail is in awe of Wrigley as she peers through the back door window...Wrigley on the other hand...not so mezmerized
Our Little Easter Bunny
Doesn't your heart just melt?
My little snuggle buddy

1st Playtime in the Exersaucer

Two Peas in a Pod...Abigail is all smiles with Sam

Abigail turned 4 months old this past Tuesday. I still can't get over how fast time has flown by since our little munchkin was born. We went to the doctor on Friday for her 4 months check-up. Although she hasn't gained much weight since her last appointment, she's growing like a weed in the height department. She now weighs 13 pounds and is 25 inches long. She has her mom's bright blue eyes but other than that, she's all dad (at least that's what everyone says). She has a full set of fuzzy hair. It often looks as if she has stuck her finger in an electrical socket. In fact, just the other day I caught myself doing something I swore I never would do as a mom...something I used to roll my eyes at when my mom would do it to me...I licked my hand and attempted to "pat" Abigail's hair into place. I have a feeling this is just the beginning.

It has been fun to watch Abigail's personality develop more and more as the weeks have gone by. One thing's for sure, she loves playtime! Now that she has discovered her hands and her feet playtime has become a lot more active. She loves watching Baby Einstein videos and playing in her exersaucer but by far her favorite thing to do these days is play with Wrigley. You should see the smile on her face as she follows Wrigley's every move. Although Wrigley probably wouldn't be quick to admit it, I think she is discovering she has a new best friend in the house as well. It's cute to watch the subtle way they will interact with each other. Wrigley will kiss Abigail's feet only to have Abby shriek and kick back at her; Wrigley will then kiss her again and the shrieking/kicking cycle repeats all over. Although Wrigley still has her puppy moments, she seems to know her boundaries with Abigail. As a matter of fact, she is actually quite gentle and protective of her baby sister.

With only 10 weeks to go until camp begins we're trying to spend as much family time together as possible. It will be a busy 10 weeks but we'll be sure to include you along in the journey. Until next time...


  1. She is SO cute, Sally! I can't wait to meet her!!!! Jeanette

  2. She is precious!!! I cannot believe how fast they grow!
