Sunday, April 19, 2009


The New "Normal" in Smithson Family Portraits
(At least the moms are looking at the camera)
Dazed and Confused (Lillie, Aiden, and Abigail)

Ready for the Easter Egg Hunt

We had a great Easter. Josh's parents came into town and spent a few days with us. It was so nice to be able to hang out without having an agenda or a long list of "to-do's". Josh and his dad had a chance to play golf while his mom and I went shopping with Abigail. Strollers make great shopping carts! You wouldn't believe how many clothes we managed to pile on top of that thing. Note to self though, if you're not careful strollers can get a little "top-heavy". I guess you could say our shopping got a little out of hand...we managed to tip the stroller over twice with all of our stuff. Luckily, both times, Abigail was in my arms and not in the stroller.

Although to Abigail, Easter was "just another day", we did our best to try and introduce a few traditions to her. In the spirit of Easter, and in our case competition, Josh and I hid a few eggs around the house and had an old-fashioned Easter egg hunt. Everyone, including Wrigley, had 4 eggs to find. We realize that Abigail didn't have a clue as to what was going on but for Josh and me, the Easter Egg Hunt meant bragging rights. I'm proud to say that I am the 2009 Champion!

On Sunday after church we drove to Brady and spent the afternoon with Josh's family. It's been a few months since the entire family has been able to get together, so it was fun to catch up and get all of the cousins together. It's amazing how much the little ones have changed in such a short amount of time. Lillie is now walking. It's a hoot to watch her and Kaitlyn tag team and run all over the place. Aiden is training to be a professional should see the thighs that little man has. It's only a matter of time before Abigail and Aiden are on the move and Smithson gatherings become a big game of Cat and Mouse.

We're thankful that Holidays give us the opportunity to take time out from the busyness of life and spend time with loved ones. Although golf, shopping, and Easter Egg Hunts make for great stories, nothing compares to the greatest love story of all time...Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our Sins and giving us Eternal Life in the power of His Resurrection...that is the Story we are looking forward to telling Abigail about the most.

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