Saturday, August 29, 2009

Abigail and Claire Flores
Abigail and Blaire Bridges
Future "Holla" girl Abigail with Erin Kennedy
Abigail's beloved "Quanny"...Amy Quade
Abigail with Shannon Sullivan
"We Are Family"
Abigail with her cousin Lillie and Aunt Corrie
Abigail with Kiley Stone (soon-to-be Kiley Edington)

"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."

Perhaps one of the things I was most anxious about going into this summer was how I was going to juggle my role as girl's camp director and my role as mommy, both of which require attention 24/7 during the summer months.

Going into the summer Josh and I had this "genius plan" of not hiring a nanny but instead toting Abigail around everywhere we went and taking care of her ourselves. We figured she was young enough and small enough to where she wouldn't be too much of a hassle. Somewhere between April and May we decided that we were out of our minds and would quickly be in over our heads if we didn't have some extra help. So the search for the nanny began...The only problem was, all of our recruiting trips were over by this point and most college students already had their summer plans set in stone. (Insert STRESS!!!) Thankfully God's plans were set in stone as well and His plans trump anyone else's plans.

Summer camp for us runs 12 weeks long so starting out we were 12 weeks short when it came to a nanny for Abigail. I can testify to the phrase "God Answers Prayer" because one by one, week by week, our nanny position was filled. Possibly the greatest blessing given to me this summer were Abigail's nannies. I couldn't have asked for more incredible, Godly women to take care of our precious gift. To these women, I am forever grateful. I can't thank you enough for selfelssly giving up your time to come and love on our sweet Abigail. Your playfulness, your joy, your love and endless hugs, were priceless and more impressionable to Abigail than you will ever know. Abigail is forever changed because of the impact you made on her this summer.

Looking back now I wonder why in the world I even wasted an ounce of time stressing over something so small when my God, who is so much bigger than my selfish worries, was in control the entire time.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, she is the cutest kid in the world ~even cuter than my own! :)
    I know it was each nanny's pleasure to get to watch her....wish I could have had a turn! Hey, if you and Josh ever want to take a romantic getaway to Houston (ha!!) we will happily babysit for the entire weekend! Love ya~ Jeanette
