Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Fall!

Abigail's friend Ethan and his mommy Jenny came with us to the Pumpkin Patch

The Cutest Pumpkin of the Patch
Not only are pumpkins great for decorating but they make perfect drums too!

Daddy's Lil' Pumpkin
Abigail loves looking at the goats

There's no doubt fall has arrived. Josh and I just finished up our first batch of soup, the delicious smells of Sweet Cinammon Pumpkin and Harvest Apple fill our house via our nifty wallflowers, and one of my favorites, the Pumpkin Spice Latte, is back on the menu at Starbucks. Now if only we could get the cool weather to stick around for more than a day or two at a time...

One of our favorite traditions since moving to the Hill Country has been visiting the Great Hill Country Pumpkin Patch in Medina every year. As hokey as they may seem at times, some of our fondest memories have come from participating in these small town festivities. This past weekend we decided to take Abigail on her first outing to the Pumpkin Patch. Seeing as how this will be her first Halloween we wanted to make sure she had just the right pumpkin picked out. Although I think it will be another year or two before she can really appreciate the Pumpkin Patch and fully partake in all of its fun kid-friendly activities, I think it's fair to say our first visit was a success and we all had a great time. For the most part we just strolled around and took in all the sights and sounds. One thing we did participate in however was the petting farm. Abigail absolutely loves animals! She got the greatest kick out of petting the pony, watching the goats and sheep, and playing with the baby chick. Unfortunately we're still working on what it means to be "gentle" with something so we weren't able to play with the baby chick for too long. The chick was a good sport though and I'm proud to say it's still alive!

Although the pictures weren't perfect (we were lucky just to have her sit still for a minute) I'm realizing more and more that it's not necessarily the pictures you take but the memories you make that will be what you carry with you for years to come.

We had a great afternoon and by the time it was all said and done Abigail left the Pumpkin Patch with the perfect baby pumpkin in tow. Of course what visit to Medina would be complete without a stop at the Cider Mill for some good ol' Apple Ice Cream? Life doesn't get much better than that!


  1. I sure miss you!
    These pictures are adorable!

  2. Fun! We hope to go this weekend while family in town ...

  3. sally! she's absolutely adorable! anytime you're itchin for a trip to colorado there is plenty of room for yall here! we'd love to see you :) miss you tons
