Friday, October 30, 2009

A Time for Every Season

Hanging out in Bricktown with the McCasland Girls
Dancing with my Prince at Sarah Shenold's Wedding
Cousins Make the Best Friends...I love you Lillie!
Luke Mosley takes advantage of his one-on-one time with Abigail
"Reunited and it feels so good"...Abigail reunites with her beloved Quanny
Hook 'Em Horns Grandpa!
All smiles with my Grammy
"Don't tell anyone, but my mommy's an Aggie"...I did this for you Uncle Scott and Uncle Jeff

Dazed and Confused by all the orange...I still love my cousins though!

With everything going on lately, Josh and I decided to make the most of this transition and take advantage of the extra time we have together as a family. What better way to spend time together as a family than to take a little road trip. A week and a half ago we set out to travel the open road and spend some time visiting family and friends. First stop? Dallas, TX. While in Dallas we managed to have a date night at the State Fair, have lunch at school with my niece Ellie (who is in Kindergarten), enjoy a good ol' fashioned Texas/OU tailgate party the night before the big game, and even had the chance to catch Josh's brother Zack preach as Senior Pastor at his new church in Euless.

Next stop on our road trip? Oklahoma City, OK. We don't get to visit our friends in Oklahoma near as much as we would like to these days so we decided to go ahead and take the extra time while we had it to travel north and embrace the wind and the cold. While there we got to have dinner with the Quanny (formerly known as Amy Quade), we spent time catching up with our favorite SNU crowd at City Bites, hung out with the McCasland Family in Bricktown, had lunch with one of our favorite engaged couples Kiley and Josh E., and of course goofed around with some of our favorite families, the Mosleys and the Wrights. To top it off we ended our 11 day trip with a wedding. We set out to make the most of our time together as a family and I have to say, we did just that. For those of you that are worried we are goofing off and enjoying this time of "retirement" too much, don't worry...Josh managed to line out 3 interviews while we were on the road. :)

We feel extremely lucky to have such an incredible support system in our family and friends. It is through them that we are constantly reminded of God's Great Love and Faithfulness each and every day.

1 comment:

  1. next road trip: gunnison, co!

    excellent, see you soon! :)
