Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Abigail is all smiles on her new musical pony that Santa brought her
Not so sure about this whole sledding thing...
The Pickle Champions once again
Abigail and her cousin Owen sporting their Christmas pajamas
Ready for Christmas Eve service
Clear the path! This lil' Snowmobiler is ready to hit the trails with her Daddy.
Abigail's 1st time to build a snowman

Snuggling up with Grandpa after a long hard day in the snow

Daddy's Little Snowbunnies

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had an incredible time celebrating our amazing Savior's Birth with friends and family. There's no doubt it truly is the "most wonderful time of the year". To say our Christmas was incredible, would be a huge understatement...We had the time of our lives! For Christmas this year we spent a full week up in the mountains of Colorado. Talk about having a White Christmas! Who wouldn't want to spend a week surrounded by hot tubs, ski resorts, sledding hills, snow mobiles, and pool tables? Did I mention the fireplace or the endless supply of hot chocolate? Vacations like that are hard to come by and hard to beat! Needless to say we took full advantage of our time there and made sure to make the most of our White Christmas.
Abigail didn't quite know what to think of the snow. Part of the problem may have been the fact that she was bundled up so much she couldn't move her arms or legs. Wait until you see some of the pictures though...she makes one ridiculously cute snow bunny! We managed to take her sledding a few times and for a first timer I think she enjoyed it. She also found a new love and passion for Frosty the Snowman over the trip. I know it sounds silly to even say that but you should see her face light up when she sees or hears anything to do with Frosty. Josh's parents had a Frosty the Snowman stuffed animal there at the cabin for decoration and once she laid eyes on it for the first time she then had to carry it with her wherever she went. Needless to say we decided to re-gift Frosty and give it to her for Christmas. (Thanks Mom and Dad Smithson...I guess we owe you a new Christmas decoration!) My mom and Josh swear that at one point she actually said "Frosty". I wasn't there to hear it for myself but if so, that would officially be her first word outside of Mama and Dada.

Our little snow bunny is growing up! Right before the trip she took her first official the doctor's office of all places! She still resorts to crawling as her main mode of transportation but I have a feeling it's only a matter of days before she becomes an official walker. Since we've been home she has been experimenting and taking little walking trips of 4 0r 5 steps from one piece of furniture to another. I have a feeling my mommy world is about to be turned upside down once again now that she's about to enter this new phase. My friends and family have warned me about it...I guess now I will finally get to see for myself what they have been talking about.

What an incredible year it has been! No words could possibly describe the joy our precious Abigail has brought to our lives. Not a day goes by where we don't thank the Lord for loaning us this precious gift. It has been a miracle and a blessing to watch our little one grow up right before our very eyes. It has been a year of many "firsts"...first time to crawl, first birthday, first words, first steps... We look forward to the New Year with excitement and anticipation. There's no doubt there are still many more "firsts" to come. We wouldn't trade our adventures in parenting for anything in the world. Hold on tight, it's sure to be a wild and crazy ride. We hope you will continue to follow us in 2010! May you and your family experience the wonder and the fullness of God's richest blessings this next year. Happy New Year!


  1. Sounds like an AMAZING Christmas to me. Happy New Year to you and yours!!!!
    :) Heather

  2. GREAT pics!!! Glad y'all had a fun time - jealous of all that snow!
