Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Abigail's 1st Haircut

Abigail is mesmerized by the princess movie on tv

Seriously, she should be the poster child for Sharkey's

Cool, calm, and collected
Mommy's little girl is growing up way too fast!

Princess Abigail on her purple Barbie Jeep throne
How come when mommy tries to put a ponytail in Abigail's hair there are nothing but tears and screams?
And now for the finishing touches...What hair-do would be complete without a little teasing?
Our little Pebbles...all set and ready to go!

Today Josh got his first glimpse at just how expensive it is going to be to raise a daughter. Today, Abigail took her first "official" trip to the beauty salon. Okay, so this beauty salon was called "Sharkey's"...not quite the most glamorous or prestigious of salons...but to kids, it is the Disneyworld of hair cut places. What better way to entice a child to hold still while you hold a sharp object close to their head than to entertain them with movies, video games, and of course their very own luxury car to sit in. Let me tell you, the gimics, the princess movies, the purple Barbie Jeep, it all works! Abigail didn't move an inch the entire time her hair was getting cut. She was off in her own princess world. We pulled out all the bells and whistles for this milestone. Not quite sure how she would handle the experience we splurged and went for the "Baby's 1st Haircut" package, complete with a certificate, picture, and of course a few locks of her hair to save as a keepsake. Don't ask me what we're going to do with the locks of hair. I highly doubt Abigail will open up the ziploc bag 30 years from now and shed a tear because of the fond memories she made at Sharkey's. You can go ahead and say it...we are "those" parents...the ones who shovel out money for ridiculously over-priced "Baby's 1st" packages. I'm sure we'll look back years from now and wonder why we didn't put aside more money for her college fund rather than spend it on Baby's First haircuts, Baby's First pictures with Santa and who knows what other "Baby's 1sts" are still to come. For now though, I take one look at her and my heart just melts. She has us wrapped around her tiny fingers. I would bend over backwards and gladly give her all the money in the world time and time again just to see those beautiful blue eyes look up at me and flash me that gummy, two-teeth smile.


  1. She should be the poster child for "cute"! I understand spending money on all that kind of stuff!
    Just don't spend over $100 on a Walmart photo shoot like we did when Zachary was a newborn.
    Love you guys!

  2. Fun! might have been pricey but at least girls don't have to get their haircut at often as boys - that can add up too! She's a cutie!

  3. I cannot believe how big and beautiful she is! I still hold on to my only memory of her at 6 weeks. Hope all is well with you guys. Much love from the Macys.


  4. I think this post is so hearing the proud momma tone you have!!!!
    :) Heather
