Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let's Rodeo!

Bundled up and ready to Rodeo
Let's Rodeo
You tell me...which "Chick" do you think is cuter?
The Cutest Billy Goat You Will Ever See

Pig-ture Perfect!
Kate and Abigail are wiped out after an eventful morning at the Rodeo

Last week Abigail and I spent the majority of our time quarantined inside our home. Abigail came down with some sort of infection over Valentine's weekend and spent the remainder of the week running a pretty high fever. As most mommies can probably testify to, after a few days of being stuck inside with no real contact with the outside world you tend to go a little stir crazy. Luckily Abigail's fever broke early Thursday morning and she began to resemble her normal happy-go-lucky self once again. To celebrate we decided to hit up the San Antonio Rodeo on Friday morning with two of our favorite playdate pals, Sarah and Kate Seefeldt.

Despite the fact that the weather was a little overcast and even misty at times, the Rodeo didn't disappoint. I was a little hesitant at first about how Abigail would do, considering she's only 15 months old but let me tell you, Abigail had a blast and was entertained the entire time. If you haven't taken your kiddos to the Rodeo, I highly suggest you put it at the top of your to-do list the next time the Rodeo is in town. It's the perfect outing for everyone! In fact we plan on making it an annual tradition from here on out.

More than anything it was just fun for me to watch Abigail's face light up as she watched her favorite bedtime books come to life right before her very eyes. Before now, pigs, cows, horses, and chickens were animals she just looked at in books and heard her mommy and daddy poorly try to imitate when reading. Talk about being mesmerized. She could have looked at those animals forever.

We're looking forward to many more rodeos to come in the future. Note to self for next year though: cowboy boots and a cute pink cowboy hat are a must for my little cowgirl!

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