Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break

My nephew, Owen, decided to take a pony ride. What a cute cowboy!
All Aboard the Peek Family Express!
I had my doubts on this one...nevertheless it held us up (despite the 200lb weight limit...oops!)
My sister-in-law Julie and one of her precious daughters, Ashley

Abigail's Cousins: Ellie, Ashley, and Owen

Driving Miss Daisy
Grammy's Lil' Sidekick
Abigail's 1st Time on a Carousel

This past week was spring break here in Kerrville and although spring break doesn't really affect Abigail quite yet, it did give us a short break from some of our normal week-in, week-out activities such as Children's Day Out, Mom and Tot Gym Class, etc. The weather was absolutely beautiful so we tried to spend as much time as possible outdoors. The highlight of our week was a quick mini-trip over to Austin to spend some quality play time with Abigail's cousins. On Wednesday we took the kiddos to a mini-amusement park for kids, called Kiddie Acres. Abigail is finally getting to the age where she can start to join in on some of the activities her older cousins and friends are doing and it makes outings like these a lot more exciting and enjoyable. I was really excited to see how she would react to all of the different rides, sights, and sounds.

Now I should preface our Kiddie Acres adventure by saying that Kiddie Acres is in desperate need of a makeover. The place has been around for as long as I can remember. In fact, I'm pretty sure I rode on some of the same rides Abigail did when I was a little kid. I can't guarantee there have been many changes or renovations made to the place since those days, but I can guarantee that Kiddie Acres will bring a smile to any kids face. Abigail had the best time riding the different rides. I can already see a little dare devil emerging from my sweet little 16 month old. Although I accompanied her on all of the rides, I'm pretty sure she would have taken them on by herself if I would have allowed it. We're looking forward to returning to Kiddie Acres a few times this summer when we visit Grammy and Grandpa.


  1. nephew owen is supposed to be a baby!!! I can't believe how big he is :). Looks like you guys had fun!

  2. That looks fun to me....we have some dare devils in our family too.

    :) Heather
