Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Great Hill Country Pumpkin Patch

Abigail's BFF Kate patiently waits and wonders why Abigail can't just smile for the camera (Abigail chose to throw a temper tantrum instead...hello Terrible Two's!)

This adorable punkin' is not for sale

Personal space? What personal space? Abigail can't get enough of her lil' sissy.
The Cutest Pumpkins in the Patch

Last week on Josh's day off we took Abigail and Caroline out to the Great Hill Country Pumpkin Patch in Medina. This time last year when we took Abigail out to the Pumpkin Patch she was still just shy of turning 1 year old and wasn't even walking yet. It's crazy how much changes in a year's worth of time. Long gone are the days of crawling, this time around we found ourselves chasing Abigail through the Pumpkin Patch as she ran from one activity to the next. As Abigail gets older, outings like this are becoming more and more fun now that she can actually interact and participate hands-on in the different activities. Despite a small temper tantrum outburst at the beginning of our outing we had a great time exploring all that the Pumpkin Patch had to offer. From the petting zoo to the train ride to the hay maze we did it all...right down to enjoying a cup of Apple Ice Cream from the Cider Mill on our way out of town. We look forward to continuing our fall tradition of visiting the Great Hill Country Pumpkin Patch for many years to come.


  1. so fun! Looks like you guys had a great time :) Miss you all already!
