Saturday, October 23, 2010

One Month Old

It's hard to believe our little munchkin is already one month old! Where in the world has the time gone? I guess time flies when you're having fun, especially when fun is wrapped up in newborn Pampers and sleepless nights.


9 pounds, 8 ounces
21.75 inches

My Firsts:

*Went to church for the first time (slept through the entire service)
*Went to her 1st Tivy Football Game (slept through the entire game)
*Went to the movies with Mommy and Daddy (again, slept through the entire movie...are you beginning to notice a pattern yet?)
*Had her first bottle (given to her by her Daddy)
*Had a "paci" for the 1st time
*Was held in the arms of her Big Sister for the first time


*She loves to squeal and squeak, especially when she's stretching and waking up. She has rightfully earned the title of our "little pip-squeak"...even Abigail has started to mimic her and start squeaking when she hears her "Sissy" making noises.
*She loves the great outdoors
*She loves bathtime
*She loves to lay in her crib and watch her musical mobile
*She loves to hold her head up...I'm telling you, this girl is strong. As long as I can remember she has always been one to hold her head up on her own. This can be tricky though...afterall, she is only 5 1/2 weeks old so don't let her strength deceive you, she has her fair share moments of floppy bobble head baby.
*She can't stand having a wet diaper

Happy 1 Month Birthday Princess! We can't wait to discover and explore many more milestones with you.

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